Setting up ConfigurationManager for DISCOVERY WORKBENCH

Start DISCOVERY WORKBENCH and check the status of “Role” at the bottom of the window. If “Role” is not set to “ConfigurationManager” you will need to create a new Windows User Group for ConfigurationManager and add yourself into the group.

  1. Left click on the Windows Start button and then right click on “Computer”.

    Kit Layout snap shot

  2. Click “Manage”.

    Kit Layout snap shot

    Note: If you are not the administrator for the computer, you will be asked to log in as the computer administrator. You should plan to have this information in advance.

  3. Type "ConfigurationManager” into the “Group name” field. All one word with capital letters “C” and “M”.

    Kit Layout snap shot

  4. Click the “Add…” button and enter your name into the “Enter the object names to select” field, then click “Check Names”.

    Kit Layout snap shot

    Note: You may have to log out as the administrator and then log back in with your local network account to find your name.

  5. Click “Create”.

    Kit Layout snap shot

  6. Restart your computer and open DISCOVERY WORKBENCH. The “Role” should now indicate you are the ConfigurationManager.

    Kit Layout snap shot

  7. You are ready to install your Kit Layout files.




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