What are kit layout files?

The first step in data analysis is identifying the spot location of each assay. Kit layouts automate this process and eliminate errors in assigning assays to spots. We provide assay layouts for catalog kits using MULTI-SPOT plates; they greatly simplify creating the plate layout when running a multiplex panel or when running a single assay on a MULTI-SPOT plate.

Optional Features

  • You can use the kit layout feature to identify assay locations prior to reading a plate; the assay names will be stored in the database and included in the raw data text file. This can be particularly useful when exporting data for external analysis. This feature is enabled/disabled by the configuration manager.

  •  When applied before data acquisition, kit layouts and assay locations cannot be changed in the raw data or raw data file exports. However, if the wrong kit layout is used, you may correct it within DISCOVERY WORKBENCH when you create an experiment to analyze the data. Simply select the correct assay assignments when setting up the plate layout (4.2 Plate Layouts). This will change the assay assignments for the experiment.

  • The kit layout feature also has the ability to disable specified spots before a plate is read. The ability to restrict data acquisition to the spots of interest eliminates the need to justify results on irrelevant assays.

    NOTE: You cannot change the spot acquisition settings once a plate has been read. Data will only be collected from selected spots; data from the other spots will be lost. This feature must be enabled by a configuration manager before you can use it. Kit layouts for all existing catalog assay kits come preloaded with DISCOVERY WORKBENCH. New kit layouts are released periodically and may be installed by a configuration manager using the Add-Ins feature.
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