MSD GOLD Products and Services

MSD GOLD products and services provide a rapid and convenient method for the development of new assays and the transfer of existing ELISAs to the MSD platform. MSD GOLD designation certifies that our plates and reagents conform to rigorous specifications for uniformity, consistency, and precision. These specifications are designed to meet the requirements of critical assays and clinical research for the drug safety and toxicology communities. MSD GOLD plates and reagents are ideal for biomarker discovery, vaccine studies, serology, companion diagnostics, personalized medicine, and screening applications.


  • Exceptional lot-to-lot reproducibility
  • High precision    
  • Best suited for long term studies
  • Easy to follow protocols for quick assay development



MSD offers a new Gold standard in streptavidin- and avidin-coated plates, ensuring unsurpassed performance for immunogenicity testing, pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamic studies, and assay development. MSD GOLD Streptavidin and High Bind Avidin plates are designed to help our customers develop highly sensitive and robust immunoassays on MSD's electrochemiluminescence platform.

We offer the following MSD GOLD plates:


Learn more about MSD GOLD Plates


MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG NHS-Ester is used as the detection reagent in MSD's electrochemiluminescence assays. MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG NHS-Ester has been developed through rigorous multi-lot testing for reproducibility and precision. Rigorous quality control procedures and stringent release specifications ensure consistency of the reagent within the same lot and between different lots. These characteristics are critical for customers working in validated environments or conducting longitudinal studies that require high performance and reproducibility.


  • Excellent consistency
  • Highly stable conjugates
  • Highly sensitive detection
  • Low non-specific binding
  • Simple conjugation protocol


MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG NHS-Ester Conjugation Packs

Comprehensive conjugation packs are offered that include all the components and the detailed protocols that are necessary for conjugating and purifying detection reagents with MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG NHS-Ester. Two sizes of conjugation packs are offered to enable the conjugation of different amounts of IgG. Each pack contains enough material for 5 reactions (i.e., 5 vials of MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG NHS-Ester).

Pack Name
of IgG
Catalog Number
Conjugation Pack 1
(5 reactions)
For conjugation and purification of up to 200 µg of IgG/reaction R31AA-1
Conjugation Pack 2
(5 reactions)
For conjugation and purification of up to 1 mg of IgG/reaction R31AA-2


MSD GOLD Services

With over 20 years of experience in developing and multiplexing highly sensitive immunoassays, MSD is committed to empowering you with the tools to precisely measure biomarkers such as cytokines, phosphoproteins, and other disease-specific markers in biological samples.

Prototype Printing Service

Transfer an existing assay to the MSD platform or create a customized multiplex kit by having MSD provide you with plates coated with your materials of interest. MSD GOLD Prototype Printing Service for antibodies provides antibody characterizations in addition to all the standard quality control tests for our coated plates.

Contact us to learn more about our Prototype Printing Services.

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Conjugation Service

Take advantage of MSD’s MULTI-ARRAY technology by having biomolecules conjugated with biotin or MSD GOLD SULFO-TAG. MSD GOLD Conjugation Service for antibodies includes the benefits of our standard conjugation service plus additional characterization and quality assessment steps of the conjugated product. MSD GOLD Conjugation Service is critical for customers working in validated environments or conducting longitudinal studies that require high performance and reproducibility.

Contact us to learn more about our Conjugation Services.

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