Pacific BioLabs

Pacific BioLabs is a SF Bay Area CRO specializing in toxicology, microbiology and analytical chemistry. PBL is compliant with cGMP and GLP regulations and is registered with the FDA. Our analytical chemistry group performs method development and validation, immunogenicity assays, PK bioanalysis, biomarker analysis, characterization of NCEs, extractable leachable testing, peptide mapping, lot release testing, raw material testing, stability studies, elemental analysis, potency assays, and ligand binding assays. In addition to our MSD instrument, PBL has a suite of HPLCs and a variety of mass specs including and ICP-MS, TOF/MS, GC/MS and two LC-MS/MS units. PBL supports products at all stages of the product life cycle, from the R&D stage, during drug development, performing the bioanalysis for clinical trials as well as lot release testing for marketed products. Pacific BioLabs is the service leader in bioscience testing.

Instrument Used:

Country: United States

Customer Service/Orders

Scientific/Technical Support

Instrument Support

Company Headquarters