Product Information

Complete technical details for each of our products is available here. Enter the product catalog number or lot number (see product packaging) in the appropriate search box below to find the information you need. 

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Certificates of Analysis (COA)

Enter the lot number in the search box to find the COA. If you have questions about a COA or are unable to locate a specific COA, contact our scientific support team.

Product Inserts/Protocols

MSD provides product inserts with complete protocols for all assay kits. Our product inserts include technical details about the analytes, a list of included materials, representative data, and step-by-step instructions (the protocol) for running the assay.

Safety Data Sheets

The SDS contains product properties and procedures for handling each product component in a safe and regulated manner.


Our datasheets provide overviews of critical assay data, including sensitivity, precision, and in many cases, representative results.

Product Highlights

Our product highlights include high-level summaries of MSD products and services, including key product features and associated benefits.

Meso Scale Japan 株式会社